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Save me from my friends

If I had not done good deeds, I would have been doing good deeds. One day I was passing through Datti's Chandni Chowk when I saw a poor man who was telling his plight to the people very effectively.  After an interval of two or three minutes, this painful apache was also uttered in words and in the same paragraph.  I found it so special that I stopped to look at the man and hear his words.  The beggar was tall, his body was thick and fresh, and his face was somewhat handsome, but his appearance was wiped out by bad luck and immorality.  That was his form.  As for his voice, I am not such a Sunni heart that I can write only a brief summary of it.  He is capable of being written word for word.  So whatever medicine Sati says, whatever Sethi says, “O Muslim brothers!  For God's sake, listen to me.  I am the father of seven children affected by the disaster.  Now I need bread and I tell my troubles one by one.  I do not beg.  I want to go back to my homeland, but no one dear to God has ever taken me home.  Brother Muslims, let us be poor patriots.  I have no friends, alas, I have no friends. O servants of God!  Listen to me, I am a poor countryman.  Saying this #Faqir and those who were affected by this story, he went ahead taking alms, but a few thoughts arose in my heart and I faced my situation with it and I realized that in most matters  I found it better than I did.  Between that I work and he spends his days eating free.  Also that I have got education, he is ignorant.

Save me from my friends

Torn old:

I live in my clothes, he He wears torn old clothes.  Well, at least I didn't go down without explaining myself first.  Going forward, his condition is worse than mine.  The look on his face made him smile.  He pondered for a long time because of his enviable condition and in the end came to this seemingly strange conclusion that what he thinks is a misfortune is a blessing in his favor.  "I have no friends," he says sadly. "I have so many friends."  He has no friends?  If this is the case, then congratulations.  I came to the house saying these things in my heart.  What a lucky man, he says: I have no friends.  O lucky man!  Here you are more than me.  But is his statement also correct?  I mean, doesn't he really have a friend who, like my friends, doesn't give him even five minutes a day?  I'm going to write an article on my house, but I don't think I'll ever have the time to spare my thoughts and write them down with satisfaction, or think of the patch I have to give tomorrow.  Coins  Can Yafqeer take away his tears in broad daylight, and no friend of his will be found on the way and Raina will say: Brother John!  Look, I'm referring to an old friendship, I need it now, give me a little loan.  "Aren't his friends dragging him to invitations and meetings from time to time?"  Does it ever occur to him that he is falling asleep but there is a gathering of friends, who are telling jokes on jokes and jokes and do not take the name of waking up?  Doesn't he have to answer friends' letters?  Isn't there a book written by his dear friend, which he has to read and write at will?  Did he have to make noise because of his friends?  Doesn't he have to go to a meeting with friends?  If not, no one complains.  If he is free from all these things then no wonder he is tormented and I am weak and helpless.  Or Allah, would he be thankful for that too, God knows what blessing he wants?  People will say how foolish this person is.  Life is boring without friends and it runs away from them but I would tell my friends about them.  I know that they come to me to make me happy and they wish me well but the practical consequence is that friends intend to benefit me and harm me.  I want to be cursed, but I can't help but say that to this day no one has been able to prove to me what is the use of having a gym of friends and expanding the circle of acquaintances. 

My life in words:

 I even say that if in the world There is some work to be done and I do not have to spend my life in words, so I have to leave some very dear friends, even if it is my friend Ahmed Mirza from Mir, whom I call Bhar Khad or friend.  I am a very reasonable person and this friendship of mine is very old and sincere but it has entered into the creation of Hazrat that domination cannot be underestimated.  When will come  Shaking, flipping things.  That their coming is no less than the coming of an earthquake.  When they come  I say: Someone is coming, not the Hour.  "I know of their arrival from afar, although my reading and writing is on the rise.  If my servant says that Mian is very busy at the moment, then he immediately starts drinking.  Too late! Well, well! Well, I'll just sit next to them. I have to go myself. They'll be on the savings, right? I already knew that.  They open it as if a bullet has hit them. (Till today they have not knocked on the door and enter like a wind: Û²Û² Daddy, I caught you in the hereafter. But look, look, stop writing because of me.  God forbid! How tall is it written that you are in good health? I just came to ask this. By Allah! How happy I am that my appearance was to inquire about your well-being.  There is one person who can be called by the title of essayist. I will go, I will not sit down. Not a minute goes by and he shakes hands with love and in his enthusiasm he shakes my hand.  Fingers  I'm in pain and I can fall in the movie.  Yato stays apart, taking all my thoughts with him.  I try to gather ideas but now where?  And it seems that they did not stay in my room for more than a minute, but if they had stayed for hours, they would not have done more harm than good.  Can i leave them  I do not deny that their friendship is very old and they love me like brothers, but I will leave them.  Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either.  And take it!  Another friend is Muhammad Hussain.  They have children and live day and night in their care.  Whenever they come to visit, they come near the third afternoon when I have finished my work, but I have such a chariot that the heart.

Save me from my friends

Subject to talk 

He wants to rest for an hour. But Hussain has come. It is necessary to obey him. He has no other subject to talk about except his wife and children's illness.  No matter how hard I try, they don't seem out of place in this article. If I mention the weather, they say: Yes, it is very bad weather.  When I start talking about Thatcher, Tehseen immediately apologizes that my brother is at home nowadays. He gives me so much opportunity to read the newspaper.  They keep asking, "Doesn't nature make you nervous? Doesn't it quench your thirst? Sometimes you don't see it, and when you meet someone there, you mention the disease at home."  State disputes, the evils of one's opponent and the praise or condemnation of Naj Sahib (praise when he has won the case) and no article, including sentences and many more.  I will mention Muhammad Shakir Khan Sahib from different types of friends, because he gives me special blessings.  Shakir Khan Sahib is the chief of Mouza Salempur and a very respected man in the district.  He is very fond of literature according to his ability. Not so much to read literature, but to meet and introduce people.  He thinks that it is a great honor for the nobles to pay a little respect to the scholars.  Once they came to me and with great insistence took me to Salempur, because there is a lot of noise in the city day and night.  Staying in the villages for a while will also change the climate and you will be able to write articles there with more satisfaction.  I have arranged a special room for you, in which all reading and writing equipment is provided.  Come and stay for a few days.  Look, make me happy.  "How could I refuse such a loving insistence?"  I joined them in reading and writing briefly.  The editor had promised Maarif that he would send an article to his service at a certain time.  Arriving at Shakir Sahib's room, I saw the Khara that had been prepared for me.  The base of its cliff opened towards the garden and a very captivating natural scene was before my eyes.  Someone was called down for breakfast in the morning.  When he had finished his second cup of tea, he got up to go to his room.  Don't get so angry that you start working today.  Give your mind some rest and this day is especially worth spending on enjoying the battery.

The Chileans prepare 

The Chileans prepare the car, hunt the Chileans on the river, then from there to Ahmednagar on the Doil.  We will introduce you to Raees Talib Ali Sahib.  I thought to myself, if this is the case, then I know the difference here too!  Well, at that time I was sold with hundreds of tricks, and my desk didn't go because of me, but I soon found out that I would not be able to find the phoenix I was looking for here.  I hurriedly got up and came to my room.  There was a very precious work cloth lying on the table, on which dropping a drop would be no less than a grave sin.  When I see silverware without ink, it dries up.  English pens are very valuable and rare, but most of the time, when they are missing, the absorbent paper is in a thin-skinned book, but the writing paper.  Similarly, there were a lot of high-end expensive items on the table, but most of them were not for my use and what I needed was there.  I finally took out my old used banger feedbox and my mediocre medicine and pen (which had helped me so honestly so far and quickly put these thoughts in the cage food) and wrote  started .  It is true that the birds are so soft-spoken in praise of the happy birds, I was not happy with their kindness that they all gathered under the tree under my room and started making noise, however I tried  By doing so, he closed his ears and got busy in his work.  Tan Tan, Taftana, China, Tatan Batan Batan Batan was so busy that the world and the mafia was in the news.  One by one this body shocked.  what's this ?  Oops!  Now I understand, Shakir Khan's younger brother's room is near my room!  He is very involved in music.  At that time he was fond of Sattar.  They are very good.  For about half an hour they practiced music and made fun of me against my will.  Then for some reason he left his room and silence fell then I thought of my work again.  "O my thoughts, now be my treasure, my treasure, have mercy on God.  Come to my mind again  That I turned to the paper to see where it left off.  Where did you forget their value, where did you stay for so many days?  "What kind of rubbish is this? What am I doing?  

Save me from my friends

Just came to see them.  I was busy writing them.  "Where did you forget, where did you stay for so many days?"  The sentences have been uttered by Shakir Khan Sahib to a friend, who should correct the cut sentences and whose height is not known to the country and the nation and beyond.  There is a knock on the door.  ' ' who is ?  "They have come and want to meet you.  I'm Shane!  The government has said that if you are not in pain, then come down for a while.  Someone inadvertently got up and went down.  Shakir Sahib's friend Ra Talib Ali Sahib had visited.  I was introduced to them.  After a while he visited and I also got a chance and I started writing in unison.  It wasn't long before Shahan knocked on the door again.  It turned out that I remembered again.  Some other friends of our host have come and I will show them.  The lyrics were similar to those of the Arabian horse, which the host had recently bought and which was shown to every friend as a manga from the stable.  Get rid of this friend and run away then come to your room, thoughts disappeared.  The phrase had to be recreated.  Nature is numb.  He sat down again a thousand times and began to write.  This time, fortunately, I found one and a half hours in which no one came.  Now my pen was running fast and I was writing.  "We are convinced that our country's capable young people who are interested in inquiry and research and who, like Coles, are knocking on our own door again and again to discover new information and a new world, no matter what the world of knowledge."  ۔  What is it ?  "They are not afraid to risk their lives to find out, they will definitely pay attention to it and with their efforts and endeavors.  There was a knock at the door.

Excellency the Government

"Your Excellency the Government is your denial, Kumar. The food gets cold." Oops! I have no idea. Don't wait for me to ask the government, I will eat again. At that time I was taught jokes and dangers.  Rescued and brought to shore Murad. The endless problem of life and death will once again favor the dry and watery races.  If we eat late, we will eat at that time too, but the food will get cold and spoil. "" Good brother, Loa has also come.  The host says very politely: It looks like a face. What a lot of writing, look! I was telling you where is such an opportunity and silence in the city?  Was it? Now I insist on eating, I am fed with what I am not interested in.  Luckily  Make your health worse by working hard.  "Back in the room, I take a moment to gather ideas and then start writing, but now where do I pick up the article and see what the life and death problem is, what I was going to write about these words."  What words came to mind later?  Now I have no idea why he had to make a connection with the first sentence.  This is how it looks when you fall asleep.  I happily got up and went to the table and wanted to write that again the same knock!  Is .  When I wake up in the third hour, I find my brain very sharp.  The lingering problem of life and death is completely solved.  The whole sentence informs the servant of the mirror that the car is ready, the government is waiting for you dressed.  As soon as I go down, the first sentence, which Mr. Meezban says, is: “Write down the contingent today.  "I must say that I did not write anything.  So they answer with a laugh that in the end what is the need for such a fraction of 

God's sake,

For God's sake, don't swear falsely, come back in the evening together.  Talks happen after dinner.  When I go to bed, I see the whole work of Upanadhan, not more than one page, that too without a way.  I beat him in anger and resentment and the next day I come back to my house after annoying my host.  I will be called ungrateful and forget kindness but I am compelled to leave this dear and kind friend.  I have described his condition in some detail, but do not think that the list of friends from whom I can ask for leave is over, there are still many left, such as a gentleman who is also from me.  Not found but when they come we understand their meaning.  These Hazrats always come to ask for loans.  There's a gentleman who always comes in when I'm about to go out.  There is a gentleman who, when he meets me, says: “Mian!  My heart longs to invite you.  But never fulfill your desire.  Have a friend, they start asking questions as soon as they arrive.  When I answer, they do not listen attentively or pick up the newspaper and start reading or start singing.  Give me all my blessings and good wishes.  But what should I do with my nature, I can clearly say to each of them?  If I had not done Ihsan, it would have been Ihsan.

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