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Quran pak, introduction of quran pak

Quran pak, introduction of quran pak

 Introduction to the

 Quran and Hadith 

Introduction to the Qur'an Definition of the Qur'an

This is a very holy  book.  In which there is a message of guidance for all human beings.  Apart from the Qur'an, there are other easy books which were revealed to the messengers in the first period.  For example, the Torah, the Psalms, the Gospel.  There are also chests that were revealed to other prophets.  All the basic books, such as Heid Shirk, morals and rules of worship, have been in common in all the books, but they are all pre-existing dogs for a specific period.  Since they sat for the whole world of humanity, most of their commands were for a specific time.  Which were not applicable to other times.  But the Qur'an is a comprehensive book that provides guidance in every aspect of life and its guidance is not for any particular time and nation but for the whole world of humanity till the Day of Judgment.  The Qur'an is the last book to be revealed to the last prophet Muhammad, after which there is no room for any other book to be revealed.

Names of the Holy Quran

There are many sayings about the names of the Holy Quran, among which Kitab al-Burhan states that there are fifty-five names of the Holy Quran which are derived from the verses of the Quran itself.  Of these, pandas are frequently mentioned in the following list.  Of all the books in the world, the Qur'an deserves to be called a book.  The difference between e and lie.  1 Altab 2- Al-Furqan showing light and guidance.  Spiritual healing and the message of health.  Lessons and advice.  5.  Mention 6.  Knowledge This book is all about knowledge and cognition.  7- Al-Bayyan Every teaching of this book is presented with clarity.  Similarly, Allah Almighty has also mentioned a few weeks of the Holy Quran.  For example, the wise one.  Elderly .Congratulations dear.  Very respectful  The one who clarifies the guidance.  No one can fathom the merits of this book.  There is no limit to its subjects and demands. Even a person in whose heart is the raw cream of guidance: the one of dignity and greatness.  If he is anxious, he can benefit from it according to his understanding.

Quran pak, introduction of quran pak

Revelation of the Holy Quran: 

When the Prophet Muhammad was forty years old, the revelation of the Holy Quran began.  At this age you lived mostly in solitude.  He used to visit Ghar Hira for worship. Once when he was engaged in worship in the cave, Jibril Amin came to the entrance of the cave and said that he had read Hazrat Muhammad.  The same question and answer was asked three times.  The fourth time Jibril Amin grabbed you, pressed you and released you. Then read the first five verses of Surah Al-Alaq.  Read in the name of your Lord, Who created man from the depths of the Qur'an and the Lord of the Most Gracious.  Read in the name of your Lord Who created all things.  Read man with blood shed and your Lord is the Most Generous. He who taught knowledge taught man with pen what he did not know.  The beginning of revelation proved to be a burden on you. You trembled.  And you came straight to your home.  He narrated the whole incident to his wife Hazrat Khadija Al-Kubra.  Your obedient wife consoled you with these words.  Allah Almighty will never make you useless.  You connect relatives.  You bear the brunt of people's troubles.  You give wealth to the poor and are hospitable. ”In fact, these words of Hazrat Khadija serve as a lesson for all of us Muslims.  If any one of us adopts these qualities, he should be sure that Allah Almighty will not fail him in practical life.  Rather, it will save him from troubles.

Quran pak, introduction of quran pak

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