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The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him

  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) sent Hazrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) as a mercy for all the worlds.  

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):  And I did not send you except as a mercy to the worlds (Surat al-Anbiya ': 1).  We have sent you as a mercy to all the worlds.  And your life has become a model for all humanity.  لكد كان لكم في رسول الله أسوة حسنة (سورة الحزاب: ۳۱)  Surely in the Messenger of Allah is the best example for you.  Compassion and Mercy on the Ummah: Allaah says (interpretation of the

meaning):  لقد جائي کم رسول من انفسكم عزيز عليه ما - عليكم بالمؤمنين رؤوف رحيمه (سورة التوبه: ۱۲۸)  (Muslims!) A Messenger (of Allah) has come to you.  Who is among you  When you are in pain and suffering, it is very difficult.  He longs for your good.  He is Compassionate, Merciful to the believers.  Hazrat Akram used to repay the debts of the indebted companions.  He would shorten the necessary prayers and sermons.  Even according to Hazrat Ayesha, she used to give up her choice of deeds so that it would not be imposed on the Ummah as a duty.  For example, he performed Taraweeh prayers in the mosque for only three days (Sahih Bukhari).  

Later, the idea that Taraweeh prayers should not be imposed on the ummah was stopped.  In the same way, in order to save the Ummah from difficulties in those matters of worship, the Holy Prophet (sws) spent his life thinking.  If the ummah did not have any problem, I would have ordered them to do miswak before every prayer.  ( Sahih Bukhari ) .  Assuming that both the people of God and the Creator of the heavens and the earth are witnesses, the Holy Prophet (saw) was the best example of Rauf Rahim (ie, very kind and merciful to the believers in Surah At-Tawbah 128).  Mercy to the disbelievers: The previous nations were afflicted with all the different torments of disobedience and sins.

The form of a nation was distorted.  But thanks to the existence of Hazrat Anwar, the infidels of Makkah remained safe from the great torment in the world of PC.  Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

And may Allah punish them and you understand them * (Surat al-Anfal: 1)  And Allah will not send down any torment.  As long as you are in them.  Once the Companions asked.  O Messenger of Allah!  I curse the polytheists.  He said, "I am not going to curse.  On the contrary, I have been sent only as a mercy.  On their return, they claimed that the tribe of Dos had perished because they disobeyed and refused to obey.  People thought that Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) would pray badly after hearing this but he prayed.  God bless you both.  Oh my god  Guide the tribes and bring them into the realm of Islam.  In the battle of Uhud, the teeth of Hazrat Anwar Mubarak were martyred.  His face was soaked with holy blood, but his opponents continued to utter prayers on his blessed tongue for Islam.  Compassion for women: Before Islam, there was no respect for women in the society.  And were victims of oppression.  Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) gave them honor and respect and determined their rights and duties and honored them as mother, daughter and wife.  You said  Paradise under the step of the mother (Suyuti) translation.  Heaven is under the feet of mothers.  The Arabs killed their children and buried their daughters alive because of poverty or hunger and poverty.  He performed this victorious ritual and declared the girls as a decoration of the house and a source of mercy for the family.  The Guardian of Teams: For the Teams and the poor, the person of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is full of mercy.  There were no widows or widowers before you.  Explaining the virtues of team care, he rubbed his index finger and middle finger.  I am the orphan of the orphans in Paradise.  The orphan and I will be together in paradise like this.  Hazrat Asma bint Umays (wife of Hazrat Jafar Tayyar) narrates that on the day Jafar was martyred in Ghazwa Mota.  Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) came to me and said:  Names!  Call Jafar's children. I brought these children to the sacred service and you hugged them and wept.  I said .  O Messenger of Allah!  Maybe you have some news from Jafar.  He said.  He became a martyr today.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) urged them to be treated with compassion and kindness

Or was it not?  He said, "Your slaves are your brothers."  Those whom Allah Almighty has made subservient to you. Feed them whatever you eat and come, and clothe those who do not wear ink themselves and do not burden them with work beyond their strength.  Hazrat used to be very compassionate towards children.  When you passed by children, you would greet them and love them.  One day he was in love with Hazrat Hassan bin Ali when Aqra bin Habis who was with him said to him: My dear boy, I have never loved anyone like this.  Man la yarham la yarham we do not do what we do not do.  Before the arrival of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) the market of war and strife was hot in the society.  People were thirsty for each other's blood.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) taught them brotherhood and love and transformed the society in a short period of time.  With his moral character, he made the shamans friendly to the biryani and made the blood thirsty brothers.  This blessing of God is mentioned in this verse.  And mention the blessings of Allah upon you, if you are the enemy, then between your hearts you will be blessed with the blessings of your brothers (Surah Al-Imran).  And remember Allah's favor upon you when you were enemies.  Then love in your hearts.  Now, by his grace, they have become brothers.  Undoubtedly, the bounty of Allah was great.  This blessing, which was obtained only by the grace of Allah Almighty, could not be obtained from the greatest wealth of the world, as Allah Almighty has commanded.  And between the two hearts * If there is a division between us on earth, there is love between the two hearts, but Allah is between them - Allah is the Most Wise - (Surat al-Anfal: 1) Translation.  And Allah has put peace in their hearts.  If you spend it or whatever is in the earth, you cannot put love in their hearts, but Allah has put love in them.  Surely He is Mighty, Wise.  When Hazrat Muhammad Rasoolullah migrated.
from Makkah to Madinah, he established a relationship between the Muhajireen of Makkah and the Ansar of Madinah.  He made every Muhajir a religious brother of Koksi Ansari and thus established a strong bond of brotherhood and love which is unparalleled in the history of the world.  The condition of Ansar's selflessness was that he was dividing his houses, gardens and fields in half and giving them to his brothers.  On the other hand, it was a sign of the autonomy of the refugees that they used to say.  Show us the way to the market.  We trade or labor 

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