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Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that in order to be worthy

 The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that in order to be worthy of the love of Allaah and to be worthy of His love, every religion has given the same advice, and that is that the founder of this religion has given many advices.  But Islam has done better than that.  He has placed the practical statue of his prophet in front of everyone and has shown that following and following the practical statue is the means of becoming worthy of God's love and deserving of His love.  

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that in order to be worthy

The Book and the Sunnah.

So in Islam there are two things, the Book and the Sunnah.  The book refers to the commandments of God which have reached us through the Quran and the Sunnah which literally means the path, the path that the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) passed by following the commandments of God ie your practice  An example of which pictures are given in the hadiths in the form of words.  The point is that the key to a Muslim's success and fulfillment and spirituality is the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).  (It is impossible for all those who belong to a religion to belong to the same sex. The foundation of this world is at stake.  

Establishment of law

It requires kings or princes, the people and the authorities, and the submissive and obedient subjects, the judges and the children for the establishment of law and order, and the commanders and officers of the armies are also poor and  They are rich, they are worshipers of night, they are worshipers of day, they are soldiers of day, they are family and friends, they are businessmen, they are also imams and leaders.  Islam invites all these human beings to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him). (For every class and gender of human beings.)  The Sira of the Holy Prophet (sws) contains lessons for admonition and practice.  For the life of the poor and the life of the rich for the poor cannot be the perfect example.  That is why the life of a universal and eternal prophet needs to be a bouquet of colorful flowers of all these different landscapes.  We walk, we get up, we eat, we drink, we sleep, we weep, we wear, we take off, we learn, we teach, we die, we kill, we eat and we feed,  They do and do good deeds.  They also give and save their lives, worship and pray and become business guests and hosts.  We need a practical model for all these issues, which are related to our various bodily functions, which will teach us a new lesson and guidance in dealing with deer condition. 

Emotions and feelings.

PRIM (in addition to the functions that relate to the heart and mind and which we interpret the actions of the heart or emotions and feelings.  I am angry, I am happy, I am sad, I am suffering, I am rich, I am rich, I am rich, I am rich, I am rich, I am rich, I am rich, I am rich, I am rich, I am rich,  On the moderation and regularity of feelings, for all of them we need a practical life.  Humility, meekness, serenity, ups and downs, highs and lows, for all the moral aspects that occur to different human beings in different situations or to every human being in different situations, we need practical guidance and example which can only be found in the biography of the Prophet of Islam.  (For the purpose of a personal life which is a combination of different manifestations of every human being and every human condition and all kinds of right emotions and perfect morals, only  Muhammad is the biography of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).  If you are rich, imitate the merchant of Mecca and the treasurer of the sea.  If you are poor, listen to the condition of the besieged and guest of Madinah. 

The Quraysh

If there is a king, read about the Sultan of Arabia.  If the subjects are known to the Quraysh, take a look.  If there is a winner, then look at the commander of Badruhanin.  If you have been defeated, learn a lesson from the battle of Uhud.  If you are a teacher and educator, look at the teacher of Quds in the school of Sufism.  If you are a disciple, look at the one sitting in front of Ruhul Amin.  If there is a preacher and a counselor, listen to the words of the one standing on the pulpit of the mosque of Madinah.  If you want to perform the duty of preaching the truth in the world of loneliness and helplessness, then you have before you the example of the helpless prophet of Mecca.  

If you have defeated your enemies and weakened your opponents after the victory of the truth, then look at the conqueror of Makkah.  If you want to improve your business and worldly endeavors, look at the business and management of the landowners of Bani Nuzair, Khyber and Fandak.  If travel is in vogue, look for examples of current rulers of Basra.  If there is a judge of the court and arbitrator of the panchayat, look at the arbitrator who enters the Ka'bah before the light of the sun, who is installing the Black Stone in a corner.  Look at the judge sitting in the courtyard of the mosque of Madinah too, whose eyes were equal to the king and the ass and the rich and the poor in justice.  

Fatima's father 

If you are a wife show, then study the life of Ayesha's husband. If you are in Ola, then ask about the condition of Fatima's father and Hassan and Hussain's grandfather so that whoever you are and in any situation of your life.  Samples for the correctness and refinement of your biography, the lamp of guidance for your dark house and the comprehensiveness of the guidance of Noor Muhammad (peace be upon him) can be found in the treasury of the grave at all times and at all times.  Therefore, for every student of the human race and for every seeker of the light of faith, there is only the biography of the Prophet (sws), the model of guidance and the source of salvation.  This perfect and comprehensive being who has in his life examples and precedents of guidance for every species, every group and every human being, is worthy of the universal and everlasting guidance of this world full of all kinds and species.  

Wrath and mercy

Do the work of anger and wrath and mercy May Aswad Jod Waskha and Faqr provide us with life patterns for the federation, courage and bravery and compassion, tenderness, world and religion, who with the kingdom of the world and the kingdom of the heavens and the kingdom of the heavens.  Give the good news of the kingdom and show the rules and regulations of both kingdoms in your life.  

The Messenger of Allah

Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was blessed with a bright sun, from which high mountains, sandy plains, flowing canals, lush fields, according to their ability and potential, received radiance and light, or clouds.  The mountains and the forests, the fields and the fields, the deserts and the foundations were raining everywhere and each standing water was being irrigated according to its own ability.  (2) King or Ass, Rich or Poor, Ruler or Subjugated, Judge or Witness, Officer or Soldier, Officer or Soldier, Teacher or Student, Abid Wazahid or Businessman, Ghazi or Martyr, Light of Tawheed, Sincerity  The spirit of sacrifice, the passion for the guidance and guidance of the people, and finally the zeal of seeking the pleasure of God in every work was working within everyone. 

Whatever it is, wherever it may be,  I was equal and equal. There were differences of ways, colors and jokes but God was one, Qur'an was one, Messenger was one and Qibla was one.  The height of the name and the development of the truth and something other than them was in front of them.  No one can be the last and eternal and universal leader. Therefore, he declared: If you claim to love God, then come and follow me, God will also love you.

 ”(Madras Sermons)

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