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Ideology of Pakistan

Ideology of Pakistan

Muslims have always made tolerance their way, but when the disbeliever wants to gain dominance, the Muslim stands firm against it.  Due to the undue tolerance of King Akbar and the deals of the Hindus in the politics of the country, infidel practices became so prevalent in the country that the freedom of the Muslims was lost even in the religious affairs of Khudan.  Thus, in the last days of Akbar, Hazrat Mujaddalif II stood up for the supremacy of Islam. 

 In the time of Jahangir, he endured the hardships of imprisonment for the sake of forgiveness and revived Islamic values.  Under his influence Shah Jahan and later his son and Tung Zeb became the servants of religion but only after Aurangzeb the decline of Mughal Empire started due to mutual hypocrisy and weakness of his sons.  Many groups of Marhats and Hindus raised their heads.  The British stepped in and spread chaos in the country, but even in the past, efforts continued to promote the nation and uplift Islam.  So Sultan Haider Ali of Mysore and his son Sultan Tipu not only fought against the Hindus and the British but also tried to annex Afghanistan, Turkey and then France but the other chiefs of the country did not support them.  Success was not achieved.  At the same time, Shah Waliullah Dehlavi and his sons started a movement to eradicate the moral and social evils of Muslims.  Shah Ismail, the grandson of Pahran, along with his mentor Syed Ahmad Barelvi, sacrificed his life in the year 2000 in an attempt to reintroduce Islamic principles and liberate the country from slavery.  However, they had created enthusiasm and fervor in the hearts of Muslims.  Thus, in the War of Independence of 1857, the Muslims tried to regain their footing, but the British power had been established, so they could not succeed.  During this period, Sir Syed was forced to seize the reconciliation with the British and the founder of the Muslim Mujaddalif Bani (ÛµÛ¹Û´ L-1) was an important figure in the Naqshbandi dynasty.

Ideology of Pakistan

 Shah Waliullah Dehlavi (2-9 AD) A religious scholar Muhammad Shah Salh He focused on the moral and cultural reform of the nation and also tried to remove the feeling of inferiority from their hearts.  But later it turned out that they only want to protect their rights.  They tried to deprive Muslims of their business and took over other jobs.  He also established Hindi over Urdu, the common language of Muslims.  Sir Syed took the Muslims by the hand of the Hindus and tried to separate them from politics and a friend of his, Maulana Amad Qasim, turned his attention to the secular education of the Muslims in Deoband.  Then Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk, a comrade of Sir Syed, founded a separate organization of Muslims called Hindu Muslim League.  Benazir was established in Dhaka, where the Hindus conspired to deport the Muslim-majority province of East Bengal and Assam in order to reach the Kozak Muslims. 

 At the same time, the First World War broke out in which the British fought against Germany and Turkey sided with Germany.  Since the Muslims of India considered the Sultan of Turkey to be the caliph of Islam because of his authoritarian service, he provided financial and medical aid, which caused the British government to become hostile to the Muslims.  Promised that if we win this war, we will not harm Turkey in any way.  This promise was also a deception, so that when the British won, they broke their promise and tore the vast empire of Turkey to pieces.  The Muslims here suffered a lot due to this deception and they started the Khilafah movement for the protection of Khilafah under the leadership of Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar and his elder brother Maulana Na Shaukat Ali.  At that time the Hindus started a movement to convert the Muslims to Hinduism and to eradicate them also started the Thatta movement.  Twelve years ago, Jude had admitted, completely ignored.  After all, Muslims became very enthusiastic and became convinced that since their religion, their culture and their society are all different from non-Muslims, there can be no cooperation with Hindus under any circumstances.  Thus, at a meeting of the Muslim League in Allahabad in 1948, Allama Iqbal proposed a separate homeland for the Muslims (Pakistan). Four years later, when Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah took over the permanent presidency of the Muslim League.

Ideology of Pakistan

Finally, on March 5,

Did they start trying to make this proposal come true? Finally, on March 5, they made it clear at a meeting in Lahore that the areas where the Muslim World War started in  And Khilafah means There is a majority, an independent Muslim state should be established there.  This declaration is called the "Pakistan Resolution", which led to the decision to establish an independent and sovereign Muslim government.  It is important to note here that there are two bases for the formation of nationhood in the world: one that has been established by Western thinkers.  The second is established by the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him).  The people of the West have expanded their family ethnic and tribal bases.  He created geographical boundaries in the memory of nationality and said that a nation is made up of Dal.  Because of this ideology, the door to peace between the people of the world is very clear from the wars of tomorrow.  Unions were fought on the basis of nationality and nationalism was totally useless in protecting the Muslims of South Asia, because the Muslims of South Asia would have become a compelled minority under this ideology.  The second basis of nationality is that which was established by the Holy Prophet (sws) while forming the Islamic nation and which is God from the concept of nationality of the West, as Allama Iqbal has also said:  In particular, the nation of Rasool Hashmi belongs to their Jamiat. Dependence on country and lineage is based on the power of religion.

  An ideology, a belief, has come into being on an open basis and it has been called a nation to highlight this ideological aspect.  In such an ideological nationality, there is room for people of every color and geographical region, and the fact is that the Muslims of South Asia, including people of every color, color and geographical area, are a sub-minority of such a nation.  It was not acceptable to remain as the banks of the Islamic nation were bound by caste, salvation and idolatry.  So they demanded a separate homeland on the basis of their separate nationality, ie Islamic nationality, in which they could change their beliefs, their own future.

challenges of modern times 

In order to be able to live life according to our way of life and face the challenges of modern times as a Muslim, we must also keep in mind that the concept of Islamic life and values in Pakistan ideology is a basic The ideology of Pakistan cannot be developed without brotherhood, equality, justice, honesty, piety, human compassion and greatness of character.  The ideology of Pakistan was not merely to establish a government because Muslim governments already existed in Asia and Africa.  The ideology of Pakistan aims to promote Islamic principles and provide a model of an ideal state for the people of the world.  The decision to establish Pakistan was very offensive to the Hindus. They did their best to prevent the establishment of Pakistan.  They had a majority in South Asia, but since the demand for the establishment of Pakistan was based on truth and justice, the British government was compelled and because of the sincere leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the faith, unity and action of the Muslims.  On August 9, Pakistan came into being.  

Pakistan to develop

Pakistan has made great strides since its inception and is one of the most important countries in the world.  If we want Pakistan to develop more and always develop then we have to keep the ideology of Pakistan in mind at all times.  Thanks to this we can make Pakistan more stable and glorious.  The ideology of Pakistan aims to make Pakistan an Islamic and welfare state.  We should not take any step that would cause us to be ashamed before God and His Messenger.  Our life and death must be for Pakistan.  In the face of national interest, personal interest must be taken out of the heart.  To strive for the welfare of all Pakistanis beyond all forms of factionalism is to promote the ideology of Pakistan.  If we keep the ideology of Pakistan in mind and try to adapt our character and character to it, then I will be distinguished among other nations of the world and we will make Pakistan strong, glorious and glorious in the light of Islamic principles.  Will be completely successful in making, insha'Allah.

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